It's been three months since I've posted. Any ideas I had about being able to keep up with this was pure naivety.
I have four kids. Four kids four and under. Ain't nobody got time for blogging. I can barely keep them all fed (my three boys already have the appetites of teenagers).
I will at least update you on the basics.
Hadley is doing great. She is happy, and chubby, and oh so adorable! She'll be 5 months tomorrow and I don't know how that happened. She's my best little friend. I cannot get enough of her. She sleeps pretty well, eats really well (she's over 16 pounds!) and has such a happy personality right now. Having a daughter is wonderful!
Easton, the oldest, is my big helper. He turned four over the summer and we kept him home instead of sending him to pre-k and I love having him home. I'm going to ugly cry in September when he heads to Kindergarten not only cause he's growing up, but because he makes my life so much easier! He spends soooo much time with his little sister making her smile or laugh and keeping her safe from her twin brothers. He's sweet, caring, and protective... the perfect big bro! He started Tae Kwon Do this fall (a program just for 4-5 year olds) and it's the highlight of his week. We all fight over who gets to take him to class cause watching a cute little four year old kick and punch and do jumping jacks is just plain cute.
Maverick and Tucker, well, I love them dearly. I do. But man, those boys are giving me a run for my money. They are trouble. Morning until night they are getting into things, spilling, dumping, fighting, breaking. They are lucky they are cute! We also potty trained them in October. I'm gonna be honest, that was NOT fun. The "3 day" method was not accomplished in 3 days, but rather a solid two weeks of pulling our hair out. I'm being dramatic, though. For just being over 2 years old, and their being two of them, they did pretty darn well. I'm proud. The worst of potty training is over though so I'm happy about that. Maverick is talking like crazy and the things he says have us cracking up all the time. Tucker doesn't say as much, but where he lacks in words he makes up for in facial expressions. What a goober. We love them so much!
The kids are all excited for Christmas especially since we've been getting lots of snow around here. This next week is going to be a whole lot of fun with these four kiddos! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas with your families celebrating the birth of our Savior!
Monday, December 18, 2017
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Hadley's Nursery
I had to wait until after Hadley was born to show off her nursery since it had her name all over it. I love the way this room turned out. It may not be the trendiest nursery, but it's something that I really like and that's all that matters. Let's be honest, even Hadley doesn't care right now.
This was my first girl nursery to decorate but not my first nursery, so I tried to reuse some things from the twins room. I had so much gray and white chevron that I wasn't sick of yet so I incorporated it in her room. I went to Joann's and grabbed 3 other fabrics to go with the chevron crib sheets and carried around pieces of those fabrics for months. My mother-in-law made the crib bedding and quilt... aren't they beautiful? The only piece she didn't make was the crib sheet which was from the twins nursery. The big H was just a wooden letter from Hobby Lobby that I painted. I planned on doing something more with it but I liked the solid color above the bedding.
I stole the changing pad cover and dresser from the twins nursery as well and added some mint. I tried my hand at something new and did some canvases with hand lettering. They turned out ok for a newbie! The star light is from Target and is just as cool as you'd imagine with the lights off. I still need a lamp though. That shade-less piece of junk just doesn't fit.
The cube shelf came from the twins' room as well. The headband holder was one of my favorite things we made. I grabbed a piece of scrap from the garage, painted it, and drilled some holes... it turned out so cute and useful!
The chandelier was an old piece that my sister-in-law redid for her wedding! She graciously let me use it for Hadley's nursery, really adding some extra glam to the room!
If I had unlimited funds, I would have probably splurged for a white crib and a new rocker but on the other hand, it's kind of cool that I've rocked four precious babies in that chair! I'm a pretty practical person, so I was happy to reuse some of the twins' things. After all, they were less than two years old!
I didn't grab a picture of the window, but my mother-in-law also made a roman shade with the mint fabric. It's super cute!!
I love finally having a girly room in the house!
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Six Weeks.
Why must time go so fast? I have good intentions of updating this often but it gets tacked to the bottom of the to-do list.
Hadley is already six weeks old. My twins turned two this month. Easton is getting to be such a big boy.
Slow down, kiddos. Mama wants to soak it all in.
They are changing so fast right now and I want to do my best to capture all of their cute little behaviors. Like the way Tucker gives me unprompted kisses all day long. And how Mavy goes around the house yelling "Mom? Mommy?" and how when I return from the basement or another room he exclaims "Mommy!" like he hasn't seen me in hours. I want to remember how Easton begs to hold his little sister all. day. long. Or how he asks a billion questions a day (not my favorite phase) but retains all the information like a little sponge. He talks like a little adult, too. He's been saying "Seriously?!" like I do all the time and its so cute. I want to remember how Mavy is talking... how he can count to 10 but his favorites are 7, 8, and 9. And how he sings the monkey song so cute (missing quite a few syllables making it that much sweeter).
They are just awesome. Right now all three are running around with mohawks, cause why not? Its the end of summer and we don't have any important events coming up.
Hadley is doing well...she has a grumpy side of her for sure, and she really only wants me to hold her. But I don't ever get to irritated with her, she's my little girl! My little bff. She knows what she wants and I like that about her, haha. The princess is chunking up, gaining 1.5 pounds between her 2 week to her 1 month appointment. I'm so grateful she is eating well and is healthy. Nothing wrong with chubby cheeks and thick thighs! She will take decent naps in her crib giving me a nice break in the morning usually and sometimes the afternoon. She wants to be right near mama at night, though. As much as I'd like some space at night, I'm sooo happy that she sleeps well. None of my boys did. She will wake twice to eat, usually, but just goes back to sleep like an angel. She's into her 0-3 month clothes and I'm so glad because we have lots of adorable outfits in that size. I spend way too much time picking out her outfits in the morning.
Speaking of adorable, and capturing it all... we got back Hadley's newborn pictures and family pictures. I am so happy with how they turned out. The boys didn't really cooperate but that's ok, because that's the age I guess. Here are a few of my favorites.
Hadley is already six weeks old. My twins turned two this month. Easton is getting to be such a big boy.
Slow down, kiddos. Mama wants to soak it all in.
They are changing so fast right now and I want to do my best to capture all of their cute little behaviors. Like the way Tucker gives me unprompted kisses all day long. And how Mavy goes around the house yelling "Mom? Mommy?" and how when I return from the basement or another room he exclaims "Mommy!" like he hasn't seen me in hours. I want to remember how Easton begs to hold his little sister all. day. long. Or how he asks a billion questions a day (not my favorite phase) but retains all the information like a little sponge. He talks like a little adult, too. He's been saying "Seriously?!" like I do all the time and its so cute. I want to remember how Mavy is talking... how he can count to 10 but his favorites are 7, 8, and 9. And how he sings the monkey song so cute (missing quite a few syllables making it that much sweeter).
They are just awesome. Right now all three are running around with mohawks, cause why not? Its the end of summer and we don't have any important events coming up.
Hadley is doing well...she has a grumpy side of her for sure, and she really only wants me to hold her. But I don't ever get to irritated with her, she's my little girl! My little bff. She knows what she wants and I like that about her, haha. The princess is chunking up, gaining 1.5 pounds between her 2 week to her 1 month appointment. I'm so grateful she is eating well and is healthy. Nothing wrong with chubby cheeks and thick thighs! She will take decent naps in her crib giving me a nice break in the morning usually and sometimes the afternoon. She wants to be right near mama at night, though. As much as I'd like some space at night, I'm sooo happy that she sleeps well. None of my boys did. She will wake twice to eat, usually, but just goes back to sleep like an angel. She's into her 0-3 month clothes and I'm so glad because we have lots of adorable outfits in that size. I spend way too much time picking out her outfits in the morning.
Speaking of adorable, and capturing it all... we got back Hadley's newborn pictures and family pictures. I am so happy with how they turned out. The boys didn't really cooperate but that's ok, because that's the age I guess. Here are a few of my favorites.
Just look at those sweethearts! I especially love Easton's cheese-face in the family picture. And my girl... what a beauty!
I know I'm repetitive, but I can't help but finish a post feeling so blessed that these are my babies and this is the family God chose to give me. He is so good to me.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
I am proud to introduce you all to our daughter, Hadley Laine!
She was born via scheduled c-section on July 19th at 9:27am. She was 8 pounds on the dot, healthy and beautiful!
I cannot put into words how much I love with this little girl! She is absolutely perfect and makes me want to smack the old me who said I only wanted boys. This girl is my world. I can't stop staring at her. She is so sweet and loves to snuggle. She nurses like a champ and is already passed her birth weight (she's serious about her food, just like her momma!). She's got an adorable but fierce cry that comes out pretty much only during diaper changes and hunger. I could go on about her forever!
She was born via scheduled c-section on July 19th at 9:27am. She was 8 pounds on the dot, healthy and beautiful!
Skin to skin in the OR 💗 |
More to come...when I have a chance. Life with 4 kids 4 and under is just a little bit busy!
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Tomorrow, Tomorrow!
Well, today is my last day of being a mother to three, my last day as just a boy mom! Everything is ready, we just need her!
I cannot wait to see her face. I want to know if she'll be dark haired or blonde, or if she has Mom's features or Dad's. Will she look like any of her brothers? How much will she weigh? I am thinking she'll be a peanut, less than 8 pounds. Will she have a birthmark? Will she recognize her Momma when she's laid on my chest?
There are worrisome things, too. Will the guy poking my spine be good at his job? Will there be any complications with the surgery? Blood loss? Will she cry right away? Will she latch okay and gain weight? My mind is spinning today with questions!
But I have family, friends, church family covering me in prayers. I have support, encouragement, and a hand to hold from my husband. I have a big, big God who has a plan for my life. I will rest in that today and tomorrow until all these questions will be answered.
I'm ready for her.
Momma can't wait to meet you, baby girl! Let's do this!
I cannot wait to see her face. I want to know if she'll be dark haired or blonde, or if she has Mom's features or Dad's. Will she look like any of her brothers? How much will she weigh? I am thinking she'll be a peanut, less than 8 pounds. Will she have a birthmark? Will she recognize her Momma when she's laid on my chest?
There are worrisome things, too. Will the guy poking my spine be good at his job? Will there be any complications with the surgery? Blood loss? Will she cry right away? Will she latch okay and gain weight? My mind is spinning today with questions!
But I have family, friends, church family covering me in prayers. I have support, encouragement, and a hand to hold from my husband. I have a big, big God who has a plan for my life. I will rest in that today and tomorrow until all these questions will be answered.
I'm ready for her.
Momma can't wait to meet you, baby girl! Let's do this!
Saturday, July 15, 2017
So Close!
It's almost time! I'm used to the last few weeks of pregnancy dragging on forever, but this is flying by. I'm less than 4 days away from meeting my daughter.
I have a few last minute things to do... switch around some car seats, pack my hospital bag, get my nails done (#priorities), finish some laundry, and clean some random things around the house that are bugging me (nesting much?). I have about as much motivation as a pot-smoking sloth but I every once in a while I get a few bursts.
I have only a few small details in the nursery to finish but it's good enough for now. I want to share pictures but her name is plastered all over in the room so I guess it will have to wait a bit. Her name isn't really a secret... I tend to tell anyone that asks... but I've kept it off social media so far so I have to make it the last few days!
Meanwhile, my boys are making the last few days fun...ish. They have all been so snuggly! Even Maverick who is not at all a momma's boy has been giving me random kisses and climbing up on my lap to sit with me. It's so sweet. Easton keeps asking to feel her kick and lights up when she does. I think they will be besties. On the less fun side of things... Tuck has figured out how to open the refrigerator and take his pants and diaper off. And Mavy is obsessed with sneaking into Baby Girl's room to throw around all her socks and jump in her crib. He can't even get her door open but he manages to convince Tuck to open everything for him. Seriously. I watched him "ask" Tuck to open the refrigerator yesterday... he pointed and mumbled some twin language and Tuck clearly got what he was saying. They are something else. I'm hoping they get it all out of their system now so that when I'm sitting down for a 40 minute nursing session maybe they will just play... hey, a girl can dream.
Honestly, for being 39 weeks pregnant I'm feeling pretty good. Maybe the twin pregnancy was bad enough to make this feel easy. I still sleep pretty well and I'm not 100% uncomfortable all the time. I'm not nearly as swollen as I was the past two pregnancies, and I'm thanking my central AC for that. I really can't complain. (and if I did it would be about the fact that no one brought me potato skins and tortellini with alfredo sauce last night... cause man, that woulda hit the spot) I'm trying to soak in all her kicks and hiccups while I can since this may be the last! I'm so grateful to God that he's had his hand on me this whole pregnancy and it has gone so smoothly. What a blessing!
Well, I better go muster up some energy to at least empty the dishwasher or fold the laundry that's been in the dryer since yesterday. Next post should have pictures of a beautiful baby girl! 💗
I have a few last minute things to do... switch around some car seats, pack my hospital bag, get my nails done (#priorities), finish some laundry, and clean some random things around the house that are bugging me (nesting much?). I have about as much motivation as a pot-smoking sloth but I every once in a while I get a few bursts.
I have only a few small details in the nursery to finish but it's good enough for now. I want to share pictures but her name is plastered all over in the room so I guess it will have to wait a bit. Her name isn't really a secret... I tend to tell anyone that asks... but I've kept it off social media so far so I have to make it the last few days!
Meanwhile, my boys are making the last few days fun...ish. They have all been so snuggly! Even Maverick who is not at all a momma's boy has been giving me random kisses and climbing up on my lap to sit with me. It's so sweet. Easton keeps asking to feel her kick and lights up when she does. I think they will be besties. On the less fun side of things... Tuck has figured out how to open the refrigerator and take his pants and diaper off. And Mavy is obsessed with sneaking into Baby Girl's room to throw around all her socks and jump in her crib. He can't even get her door open but he manages to convince Tuck to open everything for him. Seriously. I watched him "ask" Tuck to open the refrigerator yesterday... he pointed and mumbled some twin language and Tuck clearly got what he was saying. They are something else. I'm hoping they get it all out of their system now so that when I'm sitting down for a 40 minute nursing session maybe they will just play... hey, a girl can dream.
Honestly, for being 39 weeks pregnant I'm feeling pretty good. Maybe the twin pregnancy was bad enough to make this feel easy. I still sleep pretty well and I'm not 100% uncomfortable all the time. I'm not nearly as swollen as I was the past two pregnancies, and I'm thanking my central AC for that. I really can't complain. (and if I did it would be about the fact that no one brought me potato skins and tortellini with alfredo sauce last night... cause man, that woulda hit the spot) I'm trying to soak in all her kicks and hiccups while I can since this may be the last! I'm so grateful to God that he's had his hand on me this whole pregnancy and it has gone so smoothly. What a blessing!
Well, I better go muster up some energy to at least empty the dishwasher or fold the laundry that's been in the dryer since yesterday. Next post should have pictures of a beautiful baby girl! 💗
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Single Digits!
I'm not thrilled that I'm having a c-section, but at least I there's the perk of knowing exactly when she's coming! I can't believe it's a week from tomorrow! With the twins I assumed I could go in to labor at any point past like 36 weeks, so it seemed like the longest month of my life from that point until actually meeting them on my due date. But now I'm so close with an end in sight!
I had a little nesting phase yesterday with this random burst of energy. It's not very often anymore that I feel up to tackling big tasks... it's more clean for 10 minutes, sit down for 10. Not very efficient. But yesterday I got quite a bit done, including sterilizing all the pacifiers and pump parts. Not sure how much I will use the pump but at least it's ready. My hubby hung this pretty chandelier in baby girl's room yesterday and it looks awesome! I organized my bedroom and made sure the rock n play will fit next to my bed. Lots done, not much left to do!
But today I wanted to post about my first born! It was his fourth birthday this past weekend and I want to make sure I remember this stage of his life, cause oh my gosh- I love it!
Four years ago I became a mother to my sweet Easton. That first year was rough... we were up all night, I worked full time, and I was trying to get the hang of this motherhood thing. Fast forward a bit and that little guy is my best buddy. He is my sunshine, my helper, my sweetheart! Like literally right now, he just found a cardboard box on the kitchen floor and asked if he could go throw it "in the 'cycle bin" for me. All day long he tells me he loves me and thanks me for even the simplest things I do for him. The newest compliment is "Mom, you know you're my favorite girl in the world?" I hear that all day. I mean, he will use the same thing for his grandma's or aunts but still. I hear it the most, and it absolutely melts my heart. It's saddening to know he will grow up and I will embarrass him and make him mad.. but for right now, I'm his favorite girl in the world!
Any mom would love to have him as their child. He cleans up his dishes without being asked, he hardly ever gives me attitude, he's easy going and happy, and he dishes out the sweetest compliments. I mean, he notices when I put nicer clothes on or get my nails done and always tells me I'm so pretty. Not to rub it in, but that 3 year old stage that everyone dreads? Never really had it. He was an angel. (Don't worry, the twins make up for it... I'm not walking down easy street by any means).
He wanted a Cars birthday party so we had that for him on his birthday. It was all family and I made baked ziti, cause it's his favorite thing in the world. He lives off of yogurt, cheerios, bananas, and pb&j, but if I happen to make ziti (with penne noodles only... he won't eat anything else) he will demolish three plates of it. He helped me make cupcakes for his party because he loves to bake!
We got him a ton of Super Mario things since one of his favorite things right now is playing Mario Kart with daddy. He has to have Luigi and the "monster truck with big tires." He finally got his remote control Grave Digger he's been asking for since last fall, a set of Transformer Rescue Bots and a bunch of Lego sets. His tastes may change, but I doubt Legos will be going anywhere. Between the three of them, I am prepared to step on sharp little plastic blocks for the next 10 years or so. Oh well, I wanted boys!
It was a great party and he was so good about it all being over the next day. Even as an adult, I get bummed when my birthday is over... but he was fine. He had lots of awesome toys to play with so he was happy.
I'm so blessed that God chose me to be his Momma. He truly makes my life soooo much better and my days so much sweeter. Happy fourth birthday, Easton! We're so proud of you and we love you so much!
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
And We're On in 3...
Three weeks from right now I will most likely be in a bright OR meeting my baby girl!
I am so ready.
Anybody who has ever been pregnant knows the drill for the last few weeks of pregnancy. It's long, and you're exhausted, and anxious, and sore, and waiting! I'm definitely there. At least there is an end in sight!
Up until this past week I've been keeping up pretty good. I got to take my kids to the zoo last week and before that I took my oldest to his first theme park! I hit a wall this week though... I have hardly any energy and my body just aches all over. When I try and clean around the house, I have to sit down every 15-20 minutes and just rest. I remember getting to this point with the last two pregnancies... I hit it a bit earlier with the twins so I'm glad I made it this far! But I've never had to keep up with 3 kids at this point in the pregnancy. I'm not going to lie, we're heavily relying on entertainment at this point. Don't judge. My kids can go from wild and crazy to sitting down quietly in half a second when I hand them my iPad. In fact, they found my phone and are huddled around it right now watching Ryan's Toy Review (insert eye roll...). But I don't care! I'm finishing my coffee and this while they rot their brains watching a rich 5 year old give his opinions on the latest toys... seems fair. Anyway, with less energy to clean I can spend some more time sitting on the living room floor with the boys playing or reading. I need to just deal with a little bit of mess around the house for a while.
Little Missy's nursery still isn't quite finished. I just need to hang the wall decor and make some sort of headband holder for her growing collection. I did, however, manage to get pretty much everything washed and ready to go. The rock n play and swing covers are washed, my Boba wrap is clean, and the car seat is all adjusted and ready to go! Speaking of car seat... my mother-in-law has been on a roll with sewing and has made so much for baby girl. The bedding set and quilt were done by her along with a bunch of headbands and leggings. Oh, and a matching roman shade for the nursery, too! Well, she begged me to let her rip apart the car seat cover to make it girlier. I was skeptical, and told her the brown was fine, but she wanted to tackle it! I'm so glad she did... how cute is this?!
She basically took the old cover and ripped off the top layer to put new fabric on it. It's still the same cover and padding so there are no safety issues to worry about. The picture makes it hard to tell, but the gray fabric has metallic little hearts on it and I love them! It took me a ridiculously long time to pick out fabric from JoAnn's (especially since I was trying to coordinate with my gorgeous Copper Pearl multi-use cover!) but I'm so happy with how it turned out. She did such a great job!
So we're pretty much ready! I still have to sterilize pacifiers, bottles, and pump parts but I have time. She'll be here before I know it, right? Maybe... time does seem to drag during the last few weeks.
I still can't believe I'm going to have a daughter! Three weeks, baby girl! Momma's waiting for you.
I am so ready.
Anybody who has ever been pregnant knows the drill for the last few weeks of pregnancy. It's long, and you're exhausted, and anxious, and sore, and waiting! I'm definitely there. At least there is an end in sight!
Up until this past week I've been keeping up pretty good. I got to take my kids to the zoo last week and before that I took my oldest to his first theme park! I hit a wall this week though... I have hardly any energy and my body just aches all over. When I try and clean around the house, I have to sit down every 15-20 minutes and just rest. I remember getting to this point with the last two pregnancies... I hit it a bit earlier with the twins so I'm glad I made it this far! But I've never had to keep up with 3 kids at this point in the pregnancy. I'm not going to lie, we're heavily relying on entertainment at this point. Don't judge. My kids can go from wild and crazy to sitting down quietly in half a second when I hand them my iPad. In fact, they found my phone and are huddled around it right now watching Ryan's Toy Review (insert eye roll...). But I don't care! I'm finishing my coffee and this while they rot their brains watching a rich 5 year old give his opinions on the latest toys... seems fair. Anyway, with less energy to clean I can spend some more time sitting on the living room floor with the boys playing or reading. I need to just deal with a little bit of mess around the house for a while.
Little Missy's nursery still isn't quite finished. I just need to hang the wall decor and make some sort of headband holder for her growing collection. I did, however, manage to get pretty much everything washed and ready to go. The rock n play and swing covers are washed, my Boba wrap is clean, and the car seat is all adjusted and ready to go! Speaking of car seat... my mother-in-law has been on a roll with sewing and has made so much for baby girl. The bedding set and quilt were done by her along with a bunch of headbands and leggings. Oh, and a matching roman shade for the nursery, too! Well, she begged me to let her rip apart the car seat cover to make it girlier. I was skeptical, and told her the brown was fine, but she wanted to tackle it! I'm so glad she did... how cute is this?!
She basically took the old cover and ripped off the top layer to put new fabric on it. It's still the same cover and padding so there are no safety issues to worry about. The picture makes it hard to tell, but the gray fabric has metallic little hearts on it and I love them! It took me a ridiculously long time to pick out fabric from JoAnn's (especially since I was trying to coordinate with my gorgeous Copper Pearl multi-use cover!) but I'm so happy with how it turned out. She did such a great job!
So we're pretty much ready! I still have to sterilize pacifiers, bottles, and pump parts but I have time. She'll be here before I know it, right? Maybe... time does seem to drag during the last few weeks.
I still can't believe I'm going to have a daughter! Three weeks, baby girl! Momma's waiting for you.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Four Weeks Left
Can that be right? Four weeks? That doesn't seem very long at all. Weeks seem to be flying by at this point.
I have a bunch of things that need to be finished up, yet my energy is waning. It seems like doing one load of laundry and keeping the boys fed is a full day's work.
My sister likes to remind me, though, that all you need is diapers and your boobs for a while. I suppose she's right. We all get caught up in making the nursery perfect and hanging decor and buying the cutest outfits...but let's be honest, most of it is unnecessary. And baby girl won't care one bit.
But I have to fill my time while I wait for her! 😉
This was last night's project:
My mother-in-law and I spent a few hours last night with a vinyl cutter and some gorgeous glitter heat transfer vinyl. I love the outcome! The pictures don't do the glitter justice... they are soooo sparkly. Except for the big brother shirts, no glitter there. In the first picture you can see a sneak peek of the crib bedding!
We still need to finish another onesie or two and her hospital hat. Gotta have stuff personalized!
Things are coming together. The house looks like a hurricane came through, but darn it, her nursery is looking great! I can only do so much. I suppose I should focus onthrowing away some toys getting my house clean with my remaining energy. But for now, it's snack time for the boys and time to take the little monsters outside to burn some energy. They are driving me bonkers!
I have a bunch of things that need to be finished up, yet my energy is waning. It seems like doing one load of laundry and keeping the boys fed is a full day's work.
My sister likes to remind me, though, that all you need is diapers and your boobs for a while. I suppose she's right. We all get caught up in making the nursery perfect and hanging decor and buying the cutest outfits...but let's be honest, most of it is unnecessary. And baby girl won't care one bit.
But I have to fill my time while I wait for her! 😉
This was last night's project:
My mother-in-law and I spent a few hours last night with a vinyl cutter and some gorgeous glitter heat transfer vinyl. I love the outcome! The pictures don't do the glitter justice... they are soooo sparkly. Except for the big brother shirts, no glitter there. In the first picture you can see a sneak peek of the crib bedding!
We still need to finish another onesie or two and her hospital hat. Gotta have stuff personalized!
Things are coming together. The house looks like a hurricane came through, but darn it, her nursery is looking great! I can only do so much. I suppose I should focus on
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Gettin' Real!
I just went back and read my last post and I cannot believe how much has changed in just under 3 weeks.
I mean, here we are at 35 weeks tomorrow! I now have the date and time our daughter will be born, I now have pictures of her, and I even have two painted rooms. Heck, her nursery is almost finished! So lots to update you on.
Let's start with her pictures! We went a couple weeks back and had an elective 3D/4D ultrasound done so we could see baby girls precious face a little early. We ooo'd and ahh'd at her for a solid 30 minutes and it was wonderful! We got to see her practice her breathing, stick her tongue out, and even yawn! We brought along my mom and mother-in-law, and two of our sisters. We are so blessed to have family that is so excited with us. This is far from the first grandchild on either side and yet they all are so thrilled and happy about her coming. So anyway, here are a few of the pictures!
That last one isn't a good shot of her face, but her hand cracks me up. She's either irritated with the tech poking around in her space or she was greeting us with the "live long and prosper" sign.
I mean, here we are at 35 weeks tomorrow! I now have the date and time our daughter will be born, I now have pictures of her, and I even have two painted rooms. Heck, her nursery is almost finished! So lots to update you on.
Let's start with her pictures! We went a couple weeks back and had an elective 3D/4D ultrasound done so we could see baby girls precious face a little early. We ooo'd and ahh'd at her for a solid 30 minutes and it was wonderful! We got to see her practice her breathing, stick her tongue out, and even yawn! We brought along my mom and mother-in-law, and two of our sisters. We are so blessed to have family that is so excited with us. This is far from the first grandchild on either side and yet they all are so thrilled and happy about her coming. So anyway, here are a few of the pictures!
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While we were watching, pretty much all of the family agreed that she looks just like Maverick. Out of all three boys, he's got the "prettiest" features if that makes sense. Long eye lashes, big blue eyes, a sweet little face. I mean, all my boys are handsome, I'm digging myself a hole here. Anyway, I think she's gonna be a beauty! It was awesome to get a little preview of her face. *Side note: the ultrasound tech said her nose won't really be that big, all the babies look like they have huge noses on these scans. It was reassuring. *Another side note: we made her check, it's still a girl! I think I actually believe it's true now!
Alright, moving on. We painted the boys room a few weeks ago and got them all moved in together. I was so worried about how that would go, but honestly, it's been a breeze! They mostly stay in their beds and sleep just fine. Mav has been getting up super early again but that's pretty normal for him. I wish he would let Tuck sleep in but, of course, he wakes up and goes directly to his bro's bed to wake him up. Tuck doesn't love it. Tuck likes his sleep. Tuck takes long naps to make up for it.
Speaking of naps, I snapped this picture today. Mav woke up about an hour and a half into his nap and crawled into bed with Tucker. I figured he would wake him up, but instead, he passed out next to him. It was precious!
How stinkin' cute are they?! They are trouble, sooooo much trouble, but they do stuff like this and I just melt. I love my boys!
We also painted the nursery! Ok, well I painted the nursery. My husband hates painting and avoids it like the plague. I don't mind it. It only took me a few hours (the wall paint, that is. The trim took foreverrrr) and I was mostly happy with it. It seems to have some bluer undertones that I don't love, but I'm wondering if that was just because I painted over green paint. I don't know. It's ok. Now that I have the crib and bedding all set up, it's all coming together. I hang some stuff on the walls and make some sort of headband/bow holder, but we're getting there. I'll be sure to post pictures when it's all done.
As far as the pregnancy goes, not much has changed. It finally decided to get warmer here so my feet and ankles have swelled up a bit. She still moves like crazy and is flopping around in there as I type. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and all is well. We got our surgery time and all the paperwork for that. The doc was trying to get me to sign a tubal consent form "just in case" I decided I want one but Jeremy was there and neither of us wanted to go that route. It's not the kind of decision to make when you are only "pretty sure" you are done having kids. It was crazy to be handed paperwork with dates and times... this is really happening!
I'm so ready for her. Up until this point I've been pretty nervous, knowing that this will be a real challenge for me with four kids. But I've embraced it now... goodbye sleep, goodbye sanity! I want my baby girl in my arms!
5 more weeks!
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Eight Things.
This morning I thought it would be fun to change it up a bit. Here are eight things on my mind this morning.
1. One precious baby girl. She's almost always on my mind lately. How can she not be with the jabs I'm feeling all day long. I don't mind though. I know feeling her move will be the #1 thing I miss about being pregnant. After all, this is my last! (I think...).
2. Two days until our ultrasound! I get to see my sweet girl's face in 3D in just two days! I am amazed at the technology that they have now. I mean, I will practically have her portrait before she comes into the world. It's kind of cheating, but I'm dying to see her! I had ultrasounds at least every month with the twins, but with this pregnancy I've only had three total, one of them being an elective scan to find out gender early. Now if I can somehow drink double the amount of fluids for the next two days, we can get better pictures. I might as well just hang out in the bathroom...
3. Three butts. I'm going to have three kids in diapers so soon. If the challenge of potty training twins didn't terrify me I'd attempt it before baby girl comes... but I don't think I have the patience for that right now. Instead, we'll just spend our retirement money on diapers... I hope one of the four kids will be extra sweet and caring and let us live in their basement when we're ninety.
4. Four walls to be painted, times two rooms. One gallon Pencil Sketch gray and one gallon Japanese Koi orange. I'm no interior designer so fingers crossed that they turn out like the picture I have in my head.
5. Five loads of laundry I should get done today. I won't, but I need to. If I'm having this much trouble keeping up now, what will I do when I add a newborn into the mix? Not only will I be busier, but will have another set ofpooped on clothes to wash. Why does my washer have to be in the basement? It's soooo far away. My lungs are too squished to make it up and down those stairs like 10 times in a day.
6. Six weeks until my firstborn turns 4! How is that possible? I can't hardly remember life before him, but 4? He'll be starting Kindergarten next year (cue the ugly mommy sobs). I love the age he's at right now though. You can have such interesting conversations with him lately, and he says the funniest things. He picks up so many phrases from us and doesn't always use them correctly so it's hilarious. When all the kids are being crazy, my husband will say, "We're falling apart" and now Easton will do the same when the twins are going crazy. It's funny watching your 3 year old regurgitate your own words in his own way. I asked him yesterday what he wants for his birthday party and he said a race car birthday, or a tractor birthday, or a "Woody and Buzz Lightyear" birthday. He has quite the list of gifts he wants... he's just like his daddy. At the top of the list is a remote control Grave Digger monster truck (for a mere $75...yikes). Since I will be very, very pregnant at that point, he may have to settle a bit as far as the party goes. But thank God he's a very grateful boy and will love it all no matter what he gets.
7. Seven straight days of 12-hour shifts. That's what my husband just finished. I know he's gotta be exhausted... I know I am! I'm way to pregnant for that nonsense. These kids wear me out! I'm so grateful for how hard he works, though. If it wasn't for his drive and determination to provide for us, I would definitely have to at least work part time to make ends meet. He busts his butt so I can raise our kids. I snagged a good one!
8. Eight Weeks. That's all! Eight weeks until we meet our baby girl. Technically, since my c-section will scheduled one day before my due date, we're down to seven weeks, six days. What a mix of emotions. Thrilled and terrified at the same time. There are perks to having kids so close together, right? They will be best buddies andfight play together, right? What if she never sleeps? How will I keep up with 3 little boys? Coffee, I better stock up on coffee. And find a new game on my phone for late night feedings. I got as far as I could on Candy Crush during Easton's nightly feedings. I don't remember what I did for the twins at night, but during the day I blew through 12 seasons of Grey's Anatomy while nursing. So now I'll need a new obsession! But I'm getting ahead of myself. I have so much to do until then! No time to waste...better go get started on that laundry!
💜 55 days!
1. One precious baby girl. She's almost always on my mind lately. How can she not be with the jabs I'm feeling all day long. I don't mind though. I know feeling her move will be the #1 thing I miss about being pregnant. After all, this is my last! (I think...).
2. Two days until our ultrasound! I get to see my sweet girl's face in 3D in just two days! I am amazed at the technology that they have now. I mean, I will practically have her portrait before she comes into the world. It's kind of cheating, but I'm dying to see her! I had ultrasounds at least every month with the twins, but with this pregnancy I've only had three total, one of them being an elective scan to find out gender early. Now if I can somehow drink double the amount of fluids for the next two days, we can get better pictures. I might as well just hang out in the bathroom...
3. Three butts. I'm going to have three kids in diapers so soon. If the challenge of potty training twins didn't terrify me I'd attempt it before baby girl comes... but I don't think I have the patience for that right now. Instead, we'll just spend our retirement money on diapers... I hope one of the four kids will be extra sweet and caring and let us live in their basement when we're ninety.
4. Four walls to be painted, times two rooms. One gallon Pencil Sketch gray and one gallon Japanese Koi orange. I'm no interior designer so fingers crossed that they turn out like the picture I have in my head.
5. Five loads of laundry I should get done today. I won't, but I need to. If I'm having this much trouble keeping up now, what will I do when I add a newborn into the mix? Not only will I be busier, but will have another set of
6. Six weeks until my firstborn turns 4! How is that possible? I can't hardly remember life before him, but 4? He'll be starting Kindergarten next year (cue the ugly mommy sobs). I love the age he's at right now though. You can have such interesting conversations with him lately, and he says the funniest things. He picks up so many phrases from us and doesn't always use them correctly so it's hilarious. When all the kids are being crazy, my husband will say, "We're falling apart" and now Easton will do the same when the twins are going crazy. It's funny watching your 3 year old regurgitate your own words in his own way. I asked him yesterday what he wants for his birthday party and he said a race car birthday, or a tractor birthday, or a "Woody and Buzz Lightyear" birthday. He has quite the list of gifts he wants... he's just like his daddy. At the top of the list is a remote control Grave Digger monster truck (for a mere $75...yikes). Since I will be very, very pregnant at that point, he may have to settle a bit as far as the party goes. But thank God he's a very grateful boy and will love it all no matter what he gets.
7. Seven straight days of 12-hour shifts. That's what my husband just finished. I know he's gotta be exhausted... I know I am! I'm way to pregnant for that nonsense. These kids wear me out! I'm so grateful for how hard he works, though. If it wasn't for his drive and determination to provide for us, I would definitely have to at least work part time to make ends meet. He busts his butt so I can raise our kids. I snagged a good one!
8. Eight Weeks. That's all! Eight weeks until we meet our baby girl. Technically, since my c-section will scheduled one day before my due date, we're down to seven weeks, six days. What a mix of emotions. Thrilled and terrified at the same time. There are perks to having kids so close together, right? They will be best buddies and
💜 55 days!
Monday, May 22, 2017
31 Weeks
I got out my laptop this morning around 8:30 fully intent on writing an inspired blog post. Apparently, I got distracted. Can't imagine why... house full of kids and dirty laundry and a trail of soggy cheerios across the dining room floor. But anyway, I'm making a comeback now and maybe I will get it finished before I pass out from another day of being Mom.
These recent days of being Mom have been a little rough. I'm slowing down a bit and my preggo brain is making it impossible to focus on one task at a time. My poor son has to ask me for something like 6 times before I actually remember to get it for him. So if my kids are slightly dehydrated, it wasn't on purpose, I just can't seem to follow through on getting a cup of water for them (ok, maybe that's a bit dramatic but you get my point, right?). I'm also trying to fit in little projects here and there making it even more difficult to focus. I started painting the trim in the nursery and so far have spent three kids-napping sessions in there. I need about two more, and until then the paint and brushes are still going to sit on my bathroom counter. But hey, progress, right!?
I did have my sprinkle last weekend and it was wonderful! I was so blessed and still can't believe I was opening presents that were pink! I want to post pictures, but we had baby girl's name plastered all over so I'm going to leave them out for now. Just know that it was a wonderful time and it made me feel like this is really real now! Now I'm even more anxious to get the nursery set up.
On the list of projects for that (besides painting) is some sort of headband/bow holder, some DIY canvas art, and painting the letter for above the crib. My sister is letting me borrow a gorgeous re-purposed white chandelier for the room too. I was nervous to put it above her crib so I decided I can put it above the rocking chair. It has a dimmer and everything. Oooo, and I have a star nightlight to put in there too. So many precious things... it's no wonder I'm excited to get it all set up!
In other news, my kids have been especially fun these past two weeks or so. I don't know if it's my lack of patience/energy or that they are just little stinkers. But they know just went to be super cute and give mom an unsolicited kiss to make me forget how much they are driving me crazy. For instance, the other night I asked Easton to take the twin's shoes off after we got home late one night. I started getting everything ready for bedtime and he did so good getting both shoes and socks off. He wanted to keep helping since Dad wasn't home for the bedtime routine. We got the boys in the bedroom and he wanted to change a diaper (he's done it once or twice with a lot of help). He was being so sweet, so of course I let him. He did great and barely needed help, then asked what else he could do to help. He helped me find two binkys and I told him to say goodnight to the boys. So what does he do? Goes up to Tucker, wraps his arms around him, kisses him on the forehead, and says "Goodnight Tucker!" and then does the same to Maverick. It was so sweet and genuine and adorable I almost cried. With all the fighting they do, it was so nice to see that he really does love his brothers! And it was just like he knew he was man of the house that night and had to fill in for Dad. Since then he's been asking to help a lot and I just love it!
Tucker, I think, can sense that things are changing. He has been so attached to me, which is sweet, but he's a big boy and my lap is getting smaller every day. Maverick is just doing his best to make sure I'm still getting in exercise every day. He's into everything and has been getting up earlier and earlier every day. The new thing is they both wake up (usually before 6:30) and get out of their cribs. Then the go turn the sound machine off and see what they can get into in their room before I wake up. Silly me thought a darker curtain in their room would make them sleep in later! Ha. They are lucky they are cute at 6am! Usually, I drag myself into the living room and turn on cartoons so I can wake up slowly while they watch Blaze or Paw Patrol. They always fight over who gets to snuggle with Mom first thing in the morning. I don't mind. That reminds me of another sweet moment this week. The kids were watching a movie right before nap time (Monsters Inc, a current favorite). I came in and sat down after cleaning up lunch and both of the twins came and sat on my lap. I don't think we sat there for a whole five minutes before I they both passed out right on me. This is the kind of stuff that makes it all worth it. It brought me back to the many days when I had two tiny sleeping babies snuggled up on me. Sweet memories, sweet boys.
Alright, before I go, quick update on baby girl. I had an appointment last week and everything went really well, thank you Jesus! She seems to be doing great and my body is doing its job. The doc hasn't said anything, but I've noticed my weight continue to go up. I think I'm at about 30 pounds now, which honestly, is normal for me. With Easton I gained about 50 and lost like 40 of that in the first few weeks after birth. Same thing with the twins. I'm not really worried, I'll get it back off again... just stings to step on that scale every two weeks. The important thing is that baby and I are healthy. So far everything is going perfect. I am so grateful for that.
I just made an appointment with an elective ultrasound place near me for Saturday. It's just for fun and totally unnecessary, but we will have some 3D pictures of her sweet face (assuming she cooperates). I'm so excited to get a glimpse of her! I will be sure to share pictures next time I write.
57 days! 💜
These recent days of being Mom have been a little rough. I'm slowing down a bit and my preggo brain is making it impossible to focus on one task at a time. My poor son has to ask me for something like 6 times before I actually remember to get it for him. So if my kids are slightly dehydrated, it wasn't on purpose, I just can't seem to follow through on getting a cup of water for them (ok, maybe that's a bit dramatic but you get my point, right?). I'm also trying to fit in little projects here and there making it even more difficult to focus. I started painting the trim in the nursery and so far have spent three kids-napping sessions in there. I need about two more, and until then the paint and brushes are still going to sit on my bathroom counter. But hey, progress, right!?
I did have my sprinkle last weekend and it was wonderful! I was so blessed and still can't believe I was opening presents that were pink! I want to post pictures, but we had baby girl's name plastered all over so I'm going to leave them out for now. Just know that it was a wonderful time and it made me feel like this is really real now! Now I'm even more anxious to get the nursery set up.
On the list of projects for that (besides painting) is some sort of headband/bow holder, some DIY canvas art, and painting the letter for above the crib. My sister is letting me borrow a gorgeous re-purposed white chandelier for the room too. I was nervous to put it above her crib so I decided I can put it above the rocking chair. It has a dimmer and everything. Oooo, and I have a star nightlight to put in there too. So many precious things... it's no wonder I'm excited to get it all set up!
In other news, my kids have been especially fun these past two weeks or so. I don't know if it's my lack of patience/energy or that they are just little stinkers. But they know just went to be super cute and give mom an unsolicited kiss to make me forget how much they are driving me crazy. For instance, the other night I asked Easton to take the twin's shoes off after we got home late one night. I started getting everything ready for bedtime and he did so good getting both shoes and socks off. He wanted to keep helping since Dad wasn't home for the bedtime routine. We got the boys in the bedroom and he wanted to change a diaper (he's done it once or twice with a lot of help). He was being so sweet, so of course I let him. He did great and barely needed help, then asked what else he could do to help. He helped me find two binkys and I told him to say goodnight to the boys. So what does he do? Goes up to Tucker, wraps his arms around him, kisses him on the forehead, and says "Goodnight Tucker!" and then does the same to Maverick. It was so sweet and genuine and adorable I almost cried. With all the fighting they do, it was so nice to see that he really does love his brothers! And it was just like he knew he was man of the house that night and had to fill in for Dad. Since then he's been asking to help a lot and I just love it!
Tucker, I think, can sense that things are changing. He has been so attached to me, which is sweet, but he's a big boy and my lap is getting smaller every day. Maverick is just doing his best to make sure I'm still getting in exercise every day. He's into everything and has been getting up earlier and earlier every day. The new thing is they both wake up (usually before 6:30) and get out of their cribs. Then the go turn the sound machine off and see what they can get into in their room before I wake up. Silly me thought a darker curtain in their room would make them sleep in later! Ha. They are lucky they are cute at 6am! Usually, I drag myself into the living room and turn on cartoons so I can wake up slowly while they watch Blaze or Paw Patrol. They always fight over who gets to snuggle with Mom first thing in the morning. I don't mind. That reminds me of another sweet moment this week. The kids were watching a movie right before nap time (Monsters Inc, a current favorite). I came in and sat down after cleaning up lunch and both of the twins came and sat on my lap. I don't think we sat there for a whole five minutes before I they both passed out right on me. This is the kind of stuff that makes it all worth it. It brought me back to the many days when I had two tiny sleeping babies snuggled up on me. Sweet memories, sweet boys.
Alright, before I go, quick update on baby girl. I had an appointment last week and everything went really well, thank you Jesus! She seems to be doing great and my body is doing its job. The doc hasn't said anything, but I've noticed my weight continue to go up. I think I'm at about 30 pounds now, which honestly, is normal for me. With Easton I gained about 50 and lost like 40 of that in the first few weeks after birth. Same thing with the twins. I'm not really worried, I'll get it back off again... just stings to step on that scale every two weeks. The important thing is that baby and I are healthy. So far everything is going perfect. I am so grateful for that.
I just made an appointment with an elective ultrasound place near me for Saturday. It's just for fun and totally unnecessary, but we will have some 3D pictures of her sweet face (assuming she cooperates). I'm so excited to get a glimpse of her! I will be sure to share pictures next time I write.
57 days! 💜
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
10 weeks and counting.
Guys, I gotta be honest. These hormones have been getting the best of me lately. I'm not a super emotional person when I'm pregnant, normally I am kind of mean and distant instead. Like, don't hug me. Don't breathe on me. Don't be stupid. Leave me alone. And don't worry, my poor kids and husband have been seeing that too, but with this pregnancy I've also had a few of those break-down-and-ball-like-a-baby moments. It's relatively new to me. I don't know if it's different hormones cause I'm having a girl, or just like emotional overload from being pregnant AND having three little people bugging me ALL. DAY. LONG. I love them so much and they are so stinking cute but they have been really pushing my buttons. Between that and my husband working a lot lately, I'm drained.
But as always, it doesn't take long before I stop having pity parties and realize how blessed I am. Even when I type all this out I think to myself, Stop whining, you're being annoying. Your life is awesome. It is pretty awesome.
I'm about to have stuffed crust pizza, so that's the cherry on top tonight.
Want to know what else is pretty exciting and awesome and wonderful?!?!? We have decided on a name for baby girl!!!! Pretty late in the game for us, but still early for some people I guess. Want to know what it is?
I bet you do. 😉
For now, my lips are sealed. I haven't decided if we'll share the name ahead of time or not. We always have, but I'm thinking we may keep this one quiet until her birthday. We'll see. I'm flaky lately. (it's really bad...)
I mean, with a scheduled c-section, everyone will know when she's coming so I need to keep one thing a secret! And by a secret I mean like just not putting it on facebook. Family and a few friends already know. I'm just not good at being quiet. And we only decided on it like this week. Oh well. By July I'm sure there will still be a few people who haven't heard yet.
Moving on. Let's talk pregnancy symptoms for just one second. **Future Hannah, if you're reading this, this is for you, in case you get baby fever again at some point in the future. Four is a good number, pregnancy is HARD, tell your ovaries to calm down.** We are definitely past the point of second trimester bliss when each kick and movement is met with an awwww. At this point, I'm almost reprimanding her to chill out. I don't know how a less than 3 pound little baby can be so strong. I read the info for this week, week 30, and one website told me that my baby is running out of room and her kicks won't be as strong. Are you kidding me? Maybe my uterus is just so weak from carrying twins, or maybe that article was written by a 50 year old single man. Either way, I have felt kicks the last two or three days that practically make me lose my breath. And I swear she's stretched out like she's laying on a hammock on a nice summer day. We won't even mention the literal pain in my butt (sciatic-ish pain I guess) and the squished bladder. I honestly like being pregnant, but I'm glad we're getting closer to the end... kind of. Ten weeks seem like a long time right now.
In other news, mysweet Maverick dumped my entire 32 ounce bottle of water in between the couch cushions yesterday, which would have been fine if I wasn't hiding my phone from him in, you guessed it, the couch cushions. So unless day number two in rice performs a miracle, I am down an iPhone. First world problems, I guess. I will survive.
Ah, life is good.
Here's to week 30 and it being bedtime!
But as always, it doesn't take long before I stop having pity parties and realize how blessed I am. Even when I type all this out I think to myself, Stop whining, you're being annoying. Your life is awesome. It is pretty awesome.
I'm about to have stuffed crust pizza, so that's the cherry on top tonight.
Want to know what else is pretty exciting and awesome and wonderful?!?!? We have decided on a name for baby girl!!!! Pretty late in the game for us, but still early for some people I guess. Want to know what it is?
I bet you do. 😉
For now, my lips are sealed. I haven't decided if we'll share the name ahead of time or not. We always have, but I'm thinking we may keep this one quiet until her birthday. We'll see. I'm flaky lately. (it's really bad...)
I mean, with a scheduled c-section, everyone will know when she's coming so I need to keep one thing a secret! And by a secret I mean like just not putting it on facebook. Family and a few friends already know. I'm just not good at being quiet. And we only decided on it like this week. Oh well. By July I'm sure there will still be a few people who haven't heard yet.
Moving on. Let's talk pregnancy symptoms for just one second. **Future Hannah, if you're reading this, this is for you, in case you get baby fever again at some point in the future. Four is a good number, pregnancy is HARD, tell your ovaries to calm down.** We are definitely past the point of second trimester bliss when each kick and movement is met with an awwww. At this point, I'm almost reprimanding her to chill out. I don't know how a less than 3 pound little baby can be so strong. I read the info for this week, week 30, and one website told me that my baby is running out of room and her kicks won't be as strong. Are you kidding me? Maybe my uterus is just so weak from carrying twins, or maybe that article was written by a 50 year old single man. Either way, I have felt kicks the last two or three days that practically make me lose my breath. And I swear she's stretched out like she's laying on a hammock on a nice summer day. We won't even mention the literal pain in my butt (sciatic-ish pain I guess) and the squished bladder. I honestly like being pregnant, but I'm glad we're getting closer to the end... kind of. Ten weeks seem like a long time right now.
In other news, my
Ah, life is good.
Here's to week 30 and it being bedtime!
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm ready for baby girl to be here, because I don't think I ever will be ready. Four kids four and under is not something you can prepare for, I don't think. But I can say I am eager. I am eager to meet her, hold her, dress her!, love her.
I feel like I'm at a standstill as far as preparation goes. It's a bit too early to start washing her clothes and blankets or packing a diaper bag. I normally would have at least painted her nursery by now but that requires kicking big bro Easton out of his room, and again, it's a little too early for that. I'm struggling to find anything constructive to do right now that will help me feel like I'm starting to get ready. I'm just eager. Waiting. I mean, what is there to do at 28 weeks pregnant?
Yesterday I had the first of my every-two week appointments! How can I be there already? Even though it was a relatively boring appointment, I left there thanking God that it was boring- no things to worry about, no complications, nothing out of the ordinary. Praise Jesus. Her heartbeat was strong and beautiful and I found out I passed my glucose test! Again, praise Jesus. I did not want to have to take that again- yuck. I am a bit low on vitamin D but that can be remedied. And my third trimester heartburn showed up right on time last week so I'm taking something for that as well. Other than that, I'm doing great! For being almost 29 weeks pregnant and having three little boys running around my house, I'm doing darn well I think. I'm keeping up with them and the house for the most part and still sleeping well. I really have nothing to complain about.
Except maybe the weather. Seriously, I may not survive another week of 50's and rain. But that's just me being petty, I guess.
In other news, I have a small family "sprinkle" coming up for baby girl! I repeatedly told my mother and mother-in-law that it wasn't necessary... but I'm not going to lie, I'm excited for it! My church is throwing me a shower in June as well. The people in my life are so sweet and caring. I am blessed!
So anyway, for now I will be enjoying time with my boys and counting down the days until little missy's arrival! 78 to go!
I feel like I'm at a standstill as far as preparation goes. It's a bit too early to start washing her clothes and blankets or packing a diaper bag. I normally would have at least painted her nursery by now but that requires kicking big bro Easton out of his room, and again, it's a little too early for that. I'm struggling to find anything constructive to do right now that will help me feel like I'm starting to get ready. I'm just eager. Waiting. I mean, what is there to do at 28 weeks pregnant?
Yesterday I had the first of my every-two week appointments! How can I be there already? Even though it was a relatively boring appointment, I left there thanking God that it was boring- no things to worry about, no complications, nothing out of the ordinary. Praise Jesus. Her heartbeat was strong and beautiful and I found out I passed my glucose test! Again, praise Jesus. I did not want to have to take that again- yuck. I am a bit low on vitamin D but that can be remedied. And my third trimester heartburn showed up right on time last week so I'm taking something for that as well. Other than that, I'm doing great! For being almost 29 weeks pregnant and having three little boys running around my house, I'm doing darn well I think. I'm keeping up with them and the house for the most part and still sleeping well. I really have nothing to complain about.
Except maybe the weather. Seriously, I may not survive another week of 50's and rain. But that's just me being petty, I guess.
In other news, I have a small family "sprinkle" coming up for baby girl! I repeatedly told my mother and mother-in-law that it wasn't necessary... but I'm not going to lie, I'm excited for it! My church is throwing me a shower in June as well. The people in my life are so sweet and caring. I am blessed!
So anyway, for now I will be enjoying time with my boys and counting down the days until little missy's arrival! 78 to go!
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Over April Showers, Ready for May Flowers!
Good morning!
It's a beautiful gray and rainy April day here and even though it's a bit gloomy, I'm so excited for spring! I know most of the country is already blooming with flowers and cutting grass and enjoying warm weather, but here it is barely 50 degrees and we ALMOST have leaves on our trees. Spring may take its sweet time here but I'll take it over tornadoes, hurricanes, poisonous snakes, etc.
I am just grateful the daffodils are in bloom and my perennials are starting to peak out their heads. My poor husband is so sick of me talking about how much I love spring. There is just something about it... everything is new, everything is starting to turn green, it's a fresh start! I think that another reason I love spring is that most of my biggest and best life events have been in the summer. Spring time has always meant that it's almost time for the BIG EVENT! I graduated high school/college, got married, and will have had all four kids in the summer time. Not to mention the obvious excitement over summer. Our winters can be brutal so summer is always welcome!
Anyway, I get carried away talking about spring but that's not really the focus of this post. In fact, I sat down with a few different ideas about what to blog about today. Do I write a review on the reasonably-priced maternity clothes I've found recently (seriously, $7 shirts are my cup oftea coffee)? Do I ramble about my plans for my garden and hopes of a having a veggie garden this year? Do I talk about how I read two other blogs this morning and felt a bit of jealousy as they dress their kids and houses in the fanciest of items? Or I could just do what I always do, talk about my kids.
Let's start there.
I've been wanting to sit down and just write out all the little things that I want to remember about each of their stages. They get grouped together and never seem to get a whole lot of one-on-one time with me, so I worry that I won't stop to appreciate their individual personalities, quirks, and likes. I probably won't be able to type out all the things about them that make me smile, but if I can just get down a few, I will be so grateful to look back on this.
We'll start with Easton. Despite the rare moments of a new-found attitude popping through, this boy is the sweetest thing ever. He tells me all the time now, "Mommy, you know my love you?" (we're working on the difference between my and I but its cute for now). And this week he said, "Mommy, I love you with my heart." We've been talking more and more with him about Jesus and it's so fulfilling to see him start to grasp that. Now when he gets hurt, he will ask me to pray for it rather than kiss it. Last week, he told me that Jesus talked to him (in the moon, he said...) and I got all excited waiting to hear his great revelation from above. But, apparently Jesus just told him that he could do whatever he wanted. Hmmm... It was adorable anyway. He really loves trains, cranes, and nerf guns right now. He almost always has an unloaded nerf gun in his hands (unloaded mainly because his brothers always chew and ruin his darts). He bonds with Maverick more than Tucker and they can cause a lot of trouble, those two. They also fight the worst. Mav picks fights and then Easton gets in trouble for reciprocating. It's tough to learn at 3. Even right now, they are arguing and Easton is telling me he's "sick of Mavy!" He's funny about the twins. He loves to have buddies but gets so excited when it's time for them to take a nap. Easton is still a picky eater. He took about 10 minutes to choke down a tiny grape yesterday. He lives off of bananas, yogurt, cheerios, and pb&j. Doritos and fruit snacks are his favorites. He thinks that eating a vitamin has instant affects. Yesterday, he couldn't cock his nerf gun so he asked for a vitamin so he could be stronger. It's adorable. He loves play dough still, and likes to color or paint. Every night at bed time, he will give Dad a kiss or hug then ask him to leave and ask me to lay down with him. We pray, use our hands to make shadows in the dark, and then he gives me one of his "buddies" to sleep with (currently he sleeps with a stuffed Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, Rocky and Mickey Mouse). After a minute of "sleeping," I tell him I have to go and he always asks for me to stay for one more minute. It's the sweetest time with him and I always close his door feeling grateful that I get to be his mommy. I love my sweet Easton Matthew!
On to Maverick. I probably could say the most about this little guy. I will start with saying this: he was definitely correctly named. I remember when we thought baby A and baby B had switched positions and for a minute we contemplated naming the first baby out Tucker. I'm so glad we didn't. Maverick is definitely a Maverick. That boy has more spunk and sass and spice than the other two and myself combined. He is always fired up. He's the first one up in the morning and the loudest one by far. God gave him the sweetest little face and most beautiful blue eyes knowing he would be the difficult one! He gives us a run for our money every day. But man, we love that kid. So much personality, so much fun. Lately, his favorite things are stealing my phone and watching youtube, playing with monster trucks, and rawr-ing when he sees a dinosaur. He loves dinosaurs. We went to the mall last week and were looking at the Disney stuffed animals. Tuck found a Sully from Monsters Inc. and we gave Mavy his sidekick Mike and he threw it. Then we tried nemo, bullseye, and a bunch others, all of which he chucked out of the stroller. Then we found Rex from Toy Story and he eagerly grabbed it and said "RAWR!" We haven't mastered all of the animal sounds yet, but he can pick out an owl from anywhere and start whoooo-ing so sweetly. He loves books! Usually in the morning, I wake up pretty slowly so I lay on the couch for a bit before starting coffee and breakfast. I don't know how many times I've started to drift back to sleep only to be awakened by Mavy smacking me in the head with a book. Read it, Mom! He will bring me book after book and always stays so focused on them. He's a binky thief. He also loves to sip my coffee and pretty much any other beverage he can get his hands on. He's probably my least pickiest eater and I can't seem to keep his belly full lately. He can hear my fingers in an M&M bowl from the other side of the house, it's impressive. He also throws his food when he's done then flashes the cheesiest grin. We're working on that. He seems to understand so much of what we are saying. When my hubby works nights, I usually wake him up the next morning so I will tell Easton quietly "can you go wake up Daddy?" Mav always hears that and starts running to my bedroom ready to jump on poor Dad. He makes it up with the sweetest little kisses ever! I could go on, but I will call that good enough for now. I love my fiesty little Mavy J!
Tucker is last only because he is technically the youngest by a minute. He is definitely not the smallest though! He is built so differently and bigger than Mav. We still call him Meatball and I'm convinced he's going to be a linebacker some day. He's built like a tank, all muscle. He still walks kind of bowlegged but I call him Tarzan because he just wants to be up high or climbing something all day long. He runs sort of awkwardly (in the cutest way!) but I swear could climb a mountain with ease. I also have been calling him my gentle giant. He may be tough and muscular, but he's quiet, and gentle, and loves his Momma. He's definitely my biggest momma's boy and is always willing to sit and cuddle. He wraps his little arm around my neck and squeezes and it makes me melt. He plays more quietly, too. I will often find Mav and Easton running around together while Tuck is playing nicely in the other room. He doesn't seem to favor any certain type of toys, he just kind of plays with whatever is there. Honestly, he really would rather be figuring out adult stuff instead of toys. He has already figured out how to cancel my dishwasher cycle (I have started running it only at night because he's so persistent with this) and will press any other button he can reach. He loves light switches, flashlights, electrical outlets, all that kind of technical stuff. Thank God Jer installed safety plugs throughout the house because he is constantly finding something to unplug and plug back in. He also likes to help me push around the vacuum or push the chairs around the kitchen. A few weeks ago I had every kitchen chair in the living room because he would just push them around and get where he wanted. Mom, there are buttons on the coffee pot, oven, and microwave!! It was very scary when he got up to the oven, thank God nothing was on. He has since moved on, so for now the kitchen chairs are back in the kitchen. He doesn't say as much as Mav, at least not as clearly. He is like Easton was when he tries to repeat a word.. as long as you match the number of syllables it doesn't matter what sounds you use. So "peek-a-boo" is just three random sounds thrown together. He is starting to differentiate between Mom/mine/more a little better instead of just an mmmm sound. Easton really didn't speak well until 3 and then he talked like a champ; I assume the twins will be similar. I'm sure at their next appointment they will be telling me they need speech therapy but I'm not going to worry too much. The way Easton talks now is really advanced so I'm okay with it taking a little longer to develop in the boys too. Oh, I can't forget Tucker's favorite thing! Blaze! He loves that show. We don't have cable so we have three DVD's with like 3 episodes each. I think we've watched them a billion times but he's still interested. He sleeps like a champ and while he's skeptical of new foods, he still eats like the big boy he is. He's my snuggle buddy, my momma's boy, my Tuck Tuck. I love my Tucker Curtis!
I know, that's a lot. But I'm sure you all have lots of things about your kids that you want to remember. They change so quickly! I could write a blog post about them every month and it would probably be different every time. And when they are teenagers and not making it home by curfew, I will remember the simpler times when they loved trains and dinosaurs and monster trucks. These are the golden years!
I will end with a list of things that they ALL love.
Playing outside. Rocks, sticks, dirt.
Timbits (donut holes from Tim Hortons)
M&M's. Peanut, plain, peanut butter, doesn't matter.
Jumping on the couch cushions. Jumping off of anything.
Bath time (Mommy doesn't like this though...)
Going to visit their grandparents!
Making messes.
Roughhousing with Daddy.
Drinking from Mommy's cup.
YouTube videos.
Their Mommy 💜
It's a beautiful gray and rainy April day here and even though it's a bit gloomy, I'm so excited for spring! I know most of the country is already blooming with flowers and cutting grass and enjoying warm weather, but here it is barely 50 degrees and we ALMOST have leaves on our trees. Spring may take its sweet time here but I'll take it over tornadoes, hurricanes, poisonous snakes, etc.
I am just grateful the daffodils are in bloom and my perennials are starting to peak out their heads. My poor husband is so sick of me talking about how much I love spring. There is just something about it... everything is new, everything is starting to turn green, it's a fresh start! I think that another reason I love spring is that most of my biggest and best life events have been in the summer. Spring time has always meant that it's almost time for the BIG EVENT! I graduated high school/college, got married, and will have had all four kids in the summer time. Not to mention the obvious excitement over summer. Our winters can be brutal so summer is always welcome!
Anyway, I get carried away talking about spring but that's not really the focus of this post. In fact, I sat down with a few different ideas about what to blog about today. Do I write a review on the reasonably-priced maternity clothes I've found recently (seriously, $7 shirts are my cup of
Let's start there.
I've been wanting to sit down and just write out all the little things that I want to remember about each of their stages. They get grouped together and never seem to get a whole lot of one-on-one time with me, so I worry that I won't stop to appreciate their individual personalities, quirks, and likes. I probably won't be able to type out all the things about them that make me smile, but if I can just get down a few, I will be so grateful to look back on this.
We'll start with Easton. Despite the rare moments of a new-found attitude popping through, this boy is the sweetest thing ever. He tells me all the time now, "Mommy, you know my love you?" (we're working on the difference between my and I but its cute for now). And this week he said, "Mommy, I love you with my heart." We've been talking more and more with him about Jesus and it's so fulfilling to see him start to grasp that. Now when he gets hurt, he will ask me to pray for it rather than kiss it. Last week, he told me that Jesus talked to him (in the moon, he said...) and I got all excited waiting to hear his great revelation from above. But, apparently Jesus just told him that he could do whatever he wanted. Hmmm... It was adorable anyway. He really loves trains, cranes, and nerf guns right now. He almost always has an unloaded nerf gun in his hands (unloaded mainly because his brothers always chew and ruin his darts). He bonds with Maverick more than Tucker and they can cause a lot of trouble, those two. They also fight the worst. Mav picks fights and then Easton gets in trouble for reciprocating. It's tough to learn at 3. Even right now, they are arguing and Easton is telling me he's "sick of Mavy!" He's funny about the twins. He loves to have buddies but gets so excited when it's time for them to take a nap. Easton is still a picky eater. He took about 10 minutes to choke down a tiny grape yesterday. He lives off of bananas, yogurt, cheerios, and pb&j. Doritos and fruit snacks are his favorites. He thinks that eating a vitamin has instant affects. Yesterday, he couldn't cock his nerf gun so he asked for a vitamin so he could be stronger. It's adorable. He loves play dough still, and likes to color or paint. Every night at bed time, he will give Dad a kiss or hug then ask him to leave and ask me to lay down with him. We pray, use our hands to make shadows in the dark, and then he gives me one of his "buddies" to sleep with (currently he sleeps with a stuffed Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, Rocky and Mickey Mouse). After a minute of "sleeping," I tell him I have to go and he always asks for me to stay for one more minute. It's the sweetest time with him and I always close his door feeling grateful that I get to be his mommy. I love my sweet Easton Matthew!
On to Maverick. I probably could say the most about this little guy. I will start with saying this: he was definitely correctly named. I remember when we thought baby A and baby B had switched positions and for a minute we contemplated naming the first baby out Tucker. I'm so glad we didn't. Maverick is definitely a Maverick. That boy has more spunk and sass and spice than the other two and myself combined. He is always fired up. He's the first one up in the morning and the loudest one by far. God gave him the sweetest little face and most beautiful blue eyes knowing he would be the difficult one! He gives us a run for our money every day. But man, we love that kid. So much personality, so much fun. Lately, his favorite things are stealing my phone and watching youtube, playing with monster trucks, and rawr-ing when he sees a dinosaur. He loves dinosaurs. We went to the mall last week and were looking at the Disney stuffed animals. Tuck found a Sully from Monsters Inc. and we gave Mavy his sidekick Mike and he threw it. Then we tried nemo, bullseye, and a bunch others, all of which he chucked out of the stroller. Then we found Rex from Toy Story and he eagerly grabbed it and said "RAWR!" We haven't mastered all of the animal sounds yet, but he can pick out an owl from anywhere and start whoooo-ing so sweetly. He loves books! Usually in the morning, I wake up pretty slowly so I lay on the couch for a bit before starting coffee and breakfast. I don't know how many times I've started to drift back to sleep only to be awakened by Mavy smacking me in the head with a book. Read it, Mom! He will bring me book after book and always stays so focused on them. He's a binky thief. He also loves to sip my coffee and pretty much any other beverage he can get his hands on. He's probably my least pickiest eater and I can't seem to keep his belly full lately. He can hear my fingers in an M&M bowl from the other side of the house, it's impressive. He also throws his food when he's done then flashes the cheesiest grin. We're working on that. He seems to understand so much of what we are saying. When my hubby works nights, I usually wake him up the next morning so I will tell Easton quietly "can you go wake up Daddy?" Mav always hears that and starts running to my bedroom ready to jump on poor Dad. He makes it up with the sweetest little kisses ever! I could go on, but I will call that good enough for now. I love my fiesty little Mavy J!
Tucker is last only because he is technically the youngest by a minute. He is definitely not the smallest though! He is built so differently and bigger than Mav. We still call him Meatball and I'm convinced he's going to be a linebacker some day. He's built like a tank, all muscle. He still walks kind of bowlegged but I call him Tarzan because he just wants to be up high or climbing something all day long. He runs sort of awkwardly (in the cutest way!) but I swear could climb a mountain with ease. I also have been calling him my gentle giant. He may be tough and muscular, but he's quiet, and gentle, and loves his Momma. He's definitely my biggest momma's boy and is always willing to sit and cuddle. He wraps his little arm around my neck and squeezes and it makes me melt. He plays more quietly, too. I will often find Mav and Easton running around together while Tuck is playing nicely in the other room. He doesn't seem to favor any certain type of toys, he just kind of plays with whatever is there. Honestly, he really would rather be figuring out adult stuff instead of toys. He has already figured out how to cancel my dishwasher cycle (I have started running it only at night because he's so persistent with this) and will press any other button he can reach. He loves light switches, flashlights, electrical outlets, all that kind of technical stuff. Thank God Jer installed safety plugs throughout the house because he is constantly finding something to unplug and plug back in. He also likes to help me push around the vacuum or push the chairs around the kitchen. A few weeks ago I had every kitchen chair in the living room because he would just push them around and get where he wanted. Mom, there are buttons on the coffee pot, oven, and microwave!! It was very scary when he got up to the oven, thank God nothing was on. He has since moved on, so for now the kitchen chairs are back in the kitchen. He doesn't say as much as Mav, at least not as clearly. He is like Easton was when he tries to repeat a word.. as long as you match the number of syllables it doesn't matter what sounds you use. So "peek-a-boo" is just three random sounds thrown together. He is starting to differentiate between Mom/mine/more a little better instead of just an mmmm sound. Easton really didn't speak well until 3 and then he talked like a champ; I assume the twins will be similar. I'm sure at their next appointment they will be telling me they need speech therapy but I'm not going to worry too much. The way Easton talks now is really advanced so I'm okay with it taking a little longer to develop in the boys too. Oh, I can't forget Tucker's favorite thing! Blaze! He loves that show. We don't have cable so we have three DVD's with like 3 episodes each. I think we've watched them a billion times but he's still interested. He sleeps like a champ and while he's skeptical of new foods, he still eats like the big boy he is. He's my snuggle buddy, my momma's boy, my Tuck Tuck. I love my Tucker Curtis!
I know, that's a lot. But I'm sure you all have lots of things about your kids that you want to remember. They change so quickly! I could write a blog post about them every month and it would probably be different every time. And when they are teenagers and not making it home by curfew, I will remember the simpler times when they loved trains and dinosaurs and monster trucks. These are the golden years!
![]() |
Easter 2017 |
I will end with a list of things that they ALL love.
Playing outside. Rocks, sticks, dirt.
Timbits (donut holes from Tim Hortons)
M&M's. Peanut, plain, peanut butter, doesn't matter.
Jumping on the couch cushions. Jumping off of anything.
Bath time (Mommy doesn't like this though...)
Going to visit their grandparents!
Making messes.
Roughhousing with Daddy.
Drinking from Mommy's cup.
YouTube videos.
Their Mommy 💜
Friday, April 7, 2017
The Beauty of a Garbage Disposal and Other Ramblings.
Good morning from New York, where the trees are budding, the daffodils are about to open, it's supposed to hit 70 this weekend, and we have 4 inches of snow on the ground...wait, what? Rightttt, we don't have to deal with hurricanes or tornadoes so we just get this depressing late snowfall.
Anyway, I can't complain at all. I'm sitting here in my warm house with my coffee and my kids are quietly watching Team UmiZoomi and leaving me alone. It's a wonderful moment that will be over shortly, I'm sure. But for now, I will enjoy it and take the time to blog a little.
*stops to meet the demands of her tiny filled sippy cup for Mr. Mav and a banana for Sir Easton while moving Tucker away from the laptop/coffee cup disaster-waiting-to-be*
Where was I? What was I going to even write about today? These preggo symptoms have me struggling to remember my thoughts. The only thing I remember lately is the crazy/violent/terrible dreams I've been having! I'm not a fan.
*stops to remove the fictional "brown spot" on Easton's banana*
I've also been having some annoying leg cramps/restless legs. Doc told me I need more magnesium. Other than that, I'm surviving the pregnancy quite nicely! Baby girl is very active lately and it feels like she's already irritated with her tight spaces. I would think there would be plenty of space in there since the last tenants stretched it out quite a bit. I love feeling her move, though. I'm trying to soak it all up since this may be my last. Maybe. It will be tough to let this part of my life be over with. I so enjoy the process of pregnancy and meeting a new baby. I have a bunch of friends on Facebook who have just had babies these past few weeks and it's just so wonderful! I want all the babies. I can barely deal with the 3 I have now but who cares! (This is the problem when my kids finally start sleeping really well... I think I have superpowers and need all the babies, and then I have the babies and don't have the sleep and I regret my over-zealousness.)
Life is good, though, and I think this baby girl will complete the family.
*Tucker climbs up behind me and starts "rubbing" and hugging my back... maybe I do need more! Think of all the back rubs they could give! And the dishes! No, Hannah, stop that.*
I'm anxious to start washing some of her clothes and get things ready for her but I still have 15 weeks to go, and before we do any nursery set up we have to move the 3 boys into a shared room. I haven't quite figured out how that will work, despite my excessive browsing of triple-bunk bed pins on Pinterest. So I've been filling my time with the normal stuff... cleaning up toys I picked up an hour ago, procrastinating laundry, and wiping little noses/butts/faces or whatever happens to be dirty.
One thing I have been enjoying is dishes. Yeah, you read that right. After 4 years of living in this house with a single-basin kitchen sink and a clunky portable dishwasher that had to be rolled around the kitchen before I could use it, we upgraded! We didn't go crazy (bargain sink and Formica counter tops for the win) but I'm so, so happy. We got rid of the white counter tops and the shallow sink, bought a built in dishwasher, a faucet that doesn't leak, and a garbage disposal!!!
Seriously, people, I had no idea what I was missing with the garbage disposal. I used to loathe cleaning off the kids highchair trays after each meal. Now I just put them in my deep sink, hose them off, and watch all the food scraps go down that wonderful hole and get chopped up. It's beautiful. It's quick. It's painless. I'm in love.
Then I take my dishes and put them in the dishwasher that is RIGHT NEXT TO THE SINK! I know, crazy. There are no soaking wet floors from walking 6 feet with dripping dishes, there is no pushing a giant dishwasher on wheels and hooking it up to my leaky faucet. It's magical.
I will eventually put a before and after picture when we get it all finished. We're still waiting on the island counter top and to put up another cabinet. It's funny because these cabinets came with the house and we painted them and put new hardware on when we bought it. We decided to move the fridge down 18 inches and were joking about how it would be great if we could find a matching cabinet to put above the counter where the fridge was. It just so happens that my parents had the exact same cabinets when I was growing up and happened to save a bunch of them when they remodeled. So, I have a perfectly matching cabinet (once we add some paint of course). I actually made out with more counter space and more cabinet space when I thought I would be losing it with the dishwasher install.
And I have to give honor where honor is due. We didn't spend much on this, I mean like less than two grand for counters, dishwasher, sink, faucet, disposal, and whatever was needed for parts. So of course, we didn't pay for someone to come install it all. My husband and father-in-law busted their butts last weekend working on this. Having a handy husband is AWESOME. And having parents who are smart and willing to give up their Saturday is awesome too.
So anyway, that's my bragging for the day. I figure I won't be leaving the house for like ever after baby girl is born (four kids in four carseats... eww.) so I need to have a kitchen that will be accommodating to the amount of dishes and cleaning I have to do with 4 kids. I'm so happy with our little budget "remodel". Like I said before, I will post a before and after picture eventually. I mean, blue cabinets, white counters, yellow linoleum... 🙈
Happy Friday, everyone!
Anyway, I can't complain at all. I'm sitting here in my warm house with my coffee and my kids are quietly watching Team UmiZoomi and leaving me alone. It's a wonderful moment that will be over shortly, I'm sure. But for now, I will enjoy it and take the time to blog a little.
*stops to meet the demands of her tiny filled sippy cup for Mr. Mav and a banana for Sir Easton while moving Tucker away from the laptop/coffee cup disaster-waiting-to-be*
Where was I? What was I going to even write about today? These preggo symptoms have me struggling to remember my thoughts. The only thing I remember lately is the crazy/violent/terrible dreams I've been having! I'm not a fan.
*stops to remove the fictional "brown spot" on Easton's banana*
I've also been having some annoying leg cramps/restless legs. Doc told me I need more magnesium. Other than that, I'm surviving the pregnancy quite nicely! Baby girl is very active lately and it feels like she's already irritated with her tight spaces. I would think there would be plenty of space in there since the last tenants stretched it out quite a bit. I love feeling her move, though. I'm trying to soak it all up since this may be my last. Maybe. It will be tough to let this part of my life be over with. I so enjoy the process of pregnancy and meeting a new baby. I have a bunch of friends on Facebook who have just had babies these past few weeks and it's just so wonderful! I want all the babies. I can barely deal with the 3 I have now but who cares! (This is the problem when my kids finally start sleeping really well... I think I have superpowers and need all the babies, and then I have the babies and don't have the sleep and I regret my over-zealousness.)
Life is good, though, and I think this baby girl will complete the family.
*Tucker climbs up behind me and starts "rubbing" and hugging my back... maybe I do need more! Think of all the back rubs they could give! And the dishes! No, Hannah, stop that.*
I'm anxious to start washing some of her clothes and get things ready for her but I still have 15 weeks to go, and before we do any nursery set up we have to move the 3 boys into a shared room. I haven't quite figured out how that will work, despite my excessive browsing of triple-bunk bed pins on Pinterest. So I've been filling my time with the normal stuff... cleaning up toys I picked up an hour ago, procrastinating laundry, and wiping little noses/butts/faces or whatever happens to be dirty.
One thing I have been enjoying is dishes. Yeah, you read that right. After 4 years of living in this house with a single-basin kitchen sink and a clunky portable dishwasher that had to be rolled around the kitchen before I could use it, we upgraded! We didn't go crazy (bargain sink and Formica counter tops for the win) but I'm so, so happy. We got rid of the white counter tops and the shallow sink, bought a built in dishwasher, a faucet that doesn't leak, and a garbage disposal!!!
Seriously, people, I had no idea what I was missing with the garbage disposal. I used to loathe cleaning off the kids highchair trays after each meal. Now I just put them in my deep sink, hose them off, and watch all the food scraps go down that wonderful hole and get chopped up. It's beautiful. It's quick. It's painless. I'm in love.
Then I take my dishes and put them in the dishwasher that is RIGHT NEXT TO THE SINK! I know, crazy. There are no soaking wet floors from walking 6 feet with dripping dishes, there is no pushing a giant dishwasher on wheels and hooking it up to my leaky faucet. It's magical.
I will eventually put a before and after picture when we get it all finished. We're still waiting on the island counter top and to put up another cabinet. It's funny because these cabinets came with the house and we painted them and put new hardware on when we bought it. We decided to move the fridge down 18 inches and were joking about how it would be great if we could find a matching cabinet to put above the counter where the fridge was. It just so happens that my parents had the exact same cabinets when I was growing up and happened to save a bunch of them when they remodeled. So, I have a perfectly matching cabinet (once we add some paint of course). I actually made out with more counter space and more cabinet space when I thought I would be losing it with the dishwasher install.
And I have to give honor where honor is due. We didn't spend much on this, I mean like less than two grand for counters, dishwasher, sink, faucet, disposal, and whatever was needed for parts. So of course, we didn't pay for someone to come install it all. My husband and father-in-law busted their butts last weekend working on this. Having a handy husband is AWESOME. And having parents who are smart and willing to give up their Saturday is awesome too.
So anyway, that's my bragging for the day. I figure I won't be leaving the house for like ever after baby girl is born (four kids in four carseats... eww.) so I need to have a kitchen that will be accommodating to the amount of dishes and cleaning I have to do with 4 kids. I'm so happy with our little budget "remodel". Like I said before, I will post a before and after picture eventually. I mean, blue cabinets, white counters, yellow linoleum... 🙈
Happy Friday, everyone!
Thursday, March 23, 2017
23 Weeks
So this week I went back and re-read most of my posts from my twin pregnancy and their first year. I had my first case of pregnancy heartburn, so I was curious when it started with the twins (every pregnancy I've had it hit somewhere between 20-30 weeks). It was so awesome to look back at all of it. It was amazing that even at only a few months old we had noticed some personality traits of the twins that still show. So I told myself I need to make sure I update this often. Even if no one else reads it, I can look back and go awwwwwwww anytime I want.
Anyway, here I am updating. I know a singleton pregnancy isn't as exciting as a twin pregnancy but its still worth writing down... and I am so grateful to not be doing the twin pregnancy thing again. Once was enough, thanks.
Today I hit 23 weeks pregnant. Our (still nameless) baby girl is over a foot tall now an weighs more than a pound. I finally sucked it up and snapped an alright picture of my growing bump. I decided that if I waited until the day I had my hair done and makeup perfect to take a picture, baby girl would probably be about 6 years old. So, today's grocery-getting messy bun will have to do.
Anyway, here I am updating. I know a singleton pregnancy isn't as exciting as a twin pregnancy but its still worth writing down... and I am so grateful to not be doing the twin pregnancy thing again. Once was enough, thanks.
Today I hit 23 weeks pregnant. Our (still nameless) baby girl is over a foot tall now an weighs more than a pound. I finally sucked it up and snapped an alright picture of my growing bump. I decided that if I waited until the day I had my hair done and makeup perfect to take a picture, baby girl would probably be about 6 years old. So, today's grocery-getting messy bun will have to do.
In case you're wondering, that expression is a mix between my kids have worn me down and I think I'm too old for selfies. But for documentation's sake, there it is.
As far as symptoms go I'm feeling pretty good. Definitely don't have the energy I did at this time with my first pregnancy. I guess I assumed that I would be feeling like I was walking on sunshine since I was only carrying one baby this time. Turns out, pregnancy + three kids 3 and under will drain you pretty well. Like I mentioned before, I had some heartburn the other night (which I'm a huge baby about, I HATE it) and some restless legs at bed time. I think more water and less caffeine will ease that symptom, though. And the heartburn was in response to some buffalo chicken I had so I won't start up the Prilosec quite yet as it hasn't reared its head again.
Other than that, I'm doing well. I think I've started swelling a bit (that or I really need to quit buying all the Easter candy) and I definitely do some huffing and puffing while bringing laundry up the stairs but I can handle that.
We've been holding off on starting nursery prep because we only have a three bedroom house. Right now the twins share and Easton has his own room but we will eventually move Easton to the bigger room with the twins. Obviously, I'm expecting that to be a pain in the butt so we're going to hold off until a month or two before she arrives. Plus, I am trying to come up with some sort of "theme" I can incorporate in the boys room that won't be hard or expensive to pull off. My hearts just not in it right now so I haven't started planning it. I do have colors picked out for baby girl's nursery, though! We will reuse a lot of the gray and white chevron stuff from the twins room but add some pink and mint to the room. Not sure how trendy it will be, but I will like it.
I'm also working on some onesie designs for her! I have about a billion plain white onesies from the boys so my mother-in-law ordered some glitter vinyl to dress them up (she has a heat press and we both have vinyl cutters). The hardest part is finding a font I love. I have so many and it's still just not enough. First world problems, I guess.
Well, that will have to do for now. I think the twins took the cover off of the heat vent again. These kids...
Friday, March 17, 2017
The Ups and Downs
Guys, parenting is hard. And when you add pregnancy hormones to the mix you feel like you are barely hanging on sometimes. I love my children with all my heart and I am so very grateful to be home with them, but man, they know how to push my buttons. Here it is not even 11am and I'm already frustrated. These three boys make me work. Don't they know I'm pregnant? Don't they know that even though I got a good night's sleep I'm still tired? Don't they know the laundry is piling up?
I think a lot of people think I'm crazy. You know how I know that? They tell me. Three little boys and you are having another one? The mood I'm in lately I may smack the next person to say I have my hands full. No kidding, you moron. I get it. And guess what, it's none of your business, but this precious little girl growing inside of me was a total surprise. Are you happy now? I have my hands too full to accurately predict my ovulation.
Ok, that's not nice. It is true, I do have my hands full. I'm overreacting but that's a side effect of pregnancy, right? Forgive me, people... I'm not always mean.
I guess I'm sort of scared. I can barely manage to keep my kids clean, happy, and somewhat behaving and keep my house looking like I make an effort to clean once in a while. Not to mention trying to be a good wife (which I'm failing at most days, especially with hormones keeping me bipolar) and trying to make myself presentable (I showered yesterday... I think?). It's hard. Plus I have three different kids with different needs and personalities. Maverick is whining for me to read him another book while Tuck is climbing his dresser again and Easton wants me to look at the puzzle he just finished, all in the same second while I'm trying to wash the stuck on food from the pan I made dinner in three nights ago.
And then the thought crosses my mind, I'm 22 weeks and have yet to actually take a belly picture. On the days I have showered and even have some makeup on I use the self-timer on my camera and capture my growing bump. Then I look through the pictures, cry and delete them angrily. What am I eating? The bump isn't the only thing growing...ugh!
Oh, and lets not forget the ridiculous case of poison sumac I've had for the past two weeks. That really helps me feel glamorous... itchy spots all over my face, neck, hand, thigh, and belly. Perfect.
So yeah, right now I am a pregnant, itchy, hormonal, frustrated mother of three who is already at my pregnancy-safe limit of caffeine for the day. I don't even really have a point to this post, other than to whine I guess. I might as well whine, the rest of the people in my house are doing the same right now.
Then I look up from my computer and see the pictures I just put up on the refrigerator and I can't help but smile. How can I wallow in my misery when I look at the picture of my sweet three year old grinning ear to ear because he found worms! Or the latest ultrasound picture next to the gender reveal picture where I'm bursting with joy over hearing I finally am getting a daughter! Or the picture of my two twin troublemakers covered head to toe in mud and loving every minute of it. I may have frustrating moments, days, even weeks, but I love this life and am so grateful that it's mine!
Sometimes it's necessary for me to just write down all my frustrations to come around and realize how blessed I am. What am I whining about? My kids may be a lot of work but they are growing, learning, and loving life. I have a husband who busts his butt so I can stay home and still manages to have some energy after a 12 hour shift to show his family love. I have a healthy pregnancy free of any complications so far and her little kids bring me joy everyday. And despite the two feet of snow on my lawn, it's almost spring, my favorite time of the year! (and not just because all the ice cream shops will open soon, even though that is a perk.)
So if you are frustrated like me, let it all out. Rant a little, then turn it around and look at all the positive in your life. I'm sure you can find something! I know I have more positives in my life than negatives. God is good, folks! Happy Friday.
I think a lot of people think I'm crazy. You know how I know that? They tell me. Three little boys and you are having another one? The mood I'm in lately I may smack the next person to say I have my hands full. No kidding, you moron. I get it. And guess what, it's none of your business, but this precious little girl growing inside of me was a total surprise. Are you happy now? I have my hands too full to accurately predict my ovulation.
Ok, that's not nice. It is true, I do have my hands full. I'm overreacting but that's a side effect of pregnancy, right? Forgive me, people... I'm not always mean.
I guess I'm sort of scared. I can barely manage to keep my kids clean, happy, and somewhat behaving and keep my house looking like I make an effort to clean once in a while. Not to mention trying to be a good wife (which I'm failing at most days, especially with hormones keeping me bipolar) and trying to make myself presentable (I showered yesterday... I think?). It's hard. Plus I have three different kids with different needs and personalities. Maverick is whining for me to read him another book while Tuck is climbing his dresser again and Easton wants me to look at the puzzle he just finished, all in the same second while I'm trying to wash the stuck on food from the pan I made dinner in three nights ago.
And then the thought crosses my mind, I'm 22 weeks and have yet to actually take a belly picture. On the days I have showered and even have some makeup on I use the self-timer on my camera and capture my growing bump. Then I look through the pictures, cry and delete them angrily. What am I eating? The bump isn't the only thing growing...ugh!
Oh, and lets not forget the ridiculous case of poison sumac I've had for the past two weeks. That really helps me feel glamorous... itchy spots all over my face, neck, hand, thigh, and belly. Perfect.
So yeah, right now I am a pregnant, itchy, hormonal, frustrated mother of three who is already at my pregnancy-safe limit of caffeine for the day. I don't even really have a point to this post, other than to whine I guess. I might as well whine, the rest of the people in my house are doing the same right now.
Then I look up from my computer and see the pictures I just put up on the refrigerator and I can't help but smile. How can I wallow in my misery when I look at the picture of my sweet three year old grinning ear to ear because he found worms! Or the latest ultrasound picture next to the gender reveal picture where I'm bursting with joy over hearing I finally am getting a daughter! Or the picture of my two twin troublemakers covered head to toe in mud and loving every minute of it. I may have frustrating moments, days, even weeks, but I love this life and am so grateful that it's mine!
Sometimes it's necessary for me to just write down all my frustrations to come around and realize how blessed I am. What am I whining about? My kids may be a lot of work but they are growing, learning, and loving life. I have a husband who busts his butt so I can stay home and still manages to have some energy after a 12 hour shift to show his family love. I have a healthy pregnancy free of any complications so far and her little kids bring me joy everyday. And despite the two feet of snow on my lawn, it's almost spring, my favorite time of the year! (and not just because all the ice cream shops will open soon, even though that is a perk.)
So if you are frustrated like me, let it all out. Rant a little, then turn it around and look at all the positive in your life. I'm sure you can find something! I know I have more positives in my life than negatives. God is good, folks! Happy Friday.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
19 Weeks!
Yesterday, I had my mid-pregnancy ultrasound to check on baby girl's growth. After having scans every month with the twins, I got used to seeing them often and I've been dying to see a peek of my baby girl again! I also was looking forward to being reassured that she is, in fact, a girl. For some reason I just kept picturing the tech go, "Who told you it was a girl? It's definitely a boy..." But she didn't! I really am getting a daughter!
So anyway, I got to bring my mom along with me since my hubby had to work. We both spent the entire time going awwwwwww at every move she made. She is measuring right on track and weighs a whole 8 ounces! It's always reassuring to see all her little parts and organs where they need to be and working properly. Watching the four chambers of her heart move up and down is so stinking amazing. The tech showed us a shot of her umbilical cord connected to her and it was just so awesome... that is connected to me and is sustaining her! I'm sorry, but babies growing inside of you is just a miracle. I know, it's normal, but it's fascinating and makes me thank God for his intricate design! I'm so glad he didn't make humans egg layers or something weird. Less morning sickness, sure, but I wouldn't give up feeling her move inside of me and watching her grow week by week.
And look how cute she is! At least I think she is. She had her little hands by her face the whole time and had her legs crossed at her ankles like a lady. I had a chocolate frosty right before we went in for the appointment and apparently that sugar went right to her, cause little miss didn't sit still at all. She made that tech work for every measurement and picture.
Anyway, we're at 19 weeks today so we're almost halfway! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I'm excited to meet her but also trying to enjoy any sleep the other three let me have because I'm quite confident I won't ever get any after she comes. I'm not exactly sure what I will do when she's's chaos here most days and it will be interesting adding a newborn into the mix. But after having twin newborns, one must be a piece of cake... right? That's my hope, anyway.
Either way, I'm so very blessed that it will be worth all the chaos and work and lost sleep!
So anyway, I got to bring my mom along with me since my hubby had to work. We both spent the entire time going awwwwwww at every move she made. She is measuring right on track and weighs a whole 8 ounces! It's always reassuring to see all her little parts and organs where they need to be and working properly. Watching the four chambers of her heart move up and down is so stinking amazing. The tech showed us a shot of her umbilical cord connected to her and it was just so awesome... that is connected to me and is sustaining her! I'm sorry, but babies growing inside of you is just a miracle. I know, it's normal, but it's fascinating and makes me thank God for his intricate design! I'm so glad he didn't make humans egg layers or something weird. Less morning sickness, sure, but I wouldn't give up feeling her move inside of me and watching her grow week by week.
Anyway, we're at 19 weeks today so we're almost halfway! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I'm excited to meet her but also trying to enjoy any sleep the other three let me have because I'm quite confident I won't ever get any after she comes. I'm not exactly sure what I will do when she's's chaos here most days and it will be interesting adding a newborn into the mix. But after having twin newborns, one must be a piece of cake... right? That's my hope, anyway.
Either way, I'm so very blessed that it will be worth all the chaos and work and lost sleep!
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Dear Baby Girl...
First of all, I'm no poet. I'm just the type of person that prefers reading my kids books that rhyme. They are just more fun! So anyway, this past week while I've been giddy thinking about finally having a daughter, I thought up bits and pieces of a poem for her. It's nothing amazing, but fun to write and something to remember my thoughts from this week.
When dreaming of my family,
I always pictured boys!
But when I found out about you
Oh sweetie, I jumped for joy!
Your three older brothers
Have been my whole world
But something inside me realized
I wanted to have a little girl.
It scares me just a little,
There are things that I'm not good at
My makeup is never perfect
And contouring? Just forget it!
My hair is never up to par
Nor my style with the trends
But I can assure you, darling
My love for you will never end.
And wherever I am lacking,
Just remember how blessed you are
To have seven awesome Aunts
And two Grandmas who don't live far!
But sweetheart, don't you worry
There are some things I'm good for
They may not always be trendy
But you may like them even more.
I'm an expert boo-boo kisser
And know how to keep monsters away
I know almost every Disney song
And I'll let you play dress-up all day!
If you want to learn a song
On Grandma's big piano,
You may have to sing the tune for me
But there's not a note I don't know!
I'll try to learn to French Braid
By the time you come
But if I can't, my princess,
We can rock a messy bun.
If you ever want to learn
To cook or even bake
I may not be a master chef
But I know some recipes we can make!
And if you want a dance party
My moves are definitely lacking
But for you I'll dance like a fool
I know I can get you laughing!
We can go shopping often
And get a break from your bros
I'll teach you how to get great deals
On all of your new clothes.
There's some other stuff as well
That I'll be sure to share
Lessons that will stay with you
When you see that life's not fair.
I'll teach you how to be strong
And to know wrong from right
I'll teach you to have confidence
And to walk by faith, not sight.
I'll teach you to be caring
Honest, kind, and smart
To stand up for your beliefs
And to have a great, big heart!
Most importantly, my daughter
I will teach you of your King
Who came to save us all
And loves you more than anything.
I'm bound to mess things up
And I'll fail all along
But sweetie, I will try my best
For you, to be a great Mom.
When dreaming of my family,
I always pictured boys!
But when I found out about you
Oh sweetie, I jumped for joy!
Your three older brothers
Have been my whole world
But something inside me realized
I wanted to have a little girl.
It scares me just a little,
There are things that I'm not good at
My makeup is never perfect
And contouring? Just forget it!
My hair is never up to par
Nor my style with the trends
But I can assure you, darling
My love for you will never end.
And wherever I am lacking,
Just remember how blessed you are
To have seven awesome Aunts
And two Grandmas who don't live far!
But sweetheart, don't you worry
There are some things I'm good for
They may not always be trendy
But you may like them even more.
I'm an expert boo-boo kisser
And know how to keep monsters away
I know almost every Disney song
And I'll let you play dress-up all day!
If you want to learn a song
On Grandma's big piano,
You may have to sing the tune for me
But there's not a note I don't know!
I'll try to learn to French Braid
By the time you come
But if I can't, my princess,
We can rock a messy bun.
If you ever want to learn
To cook or even bake
I may not be a master chef
But I know some recipes we can make!
And if you want a dance party
My moves are definitely lacking
But for you I'll dance like a fool
I know I can get you laughing!
We can go shopping often
And get a break from your bros
I'll teach you how to get great deals
On all of your new clothes.
There's some other stuff as well
That I'll be sure to share
Lessons that will stay with you
When you see that life's not fair.
I'll teach you how to be strong
And to know wrong from right
I'll teach you to have confidence
And to walk by faith, not sight.
I'll teach you to be caring
Honest, kind, and smart
To stand up for your beliefs
And to have a great, big heart!
Most importantly, my daughter
I will teach you of your King
Who came to save us all
And loves you more than anything.
I'm bound to mess things up
And I'll fail all along
But sweetie, I will try my best
For you, to be a great Mom.
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